
Make Swarovski Crystal Bead Bracelet

Cut a length of beading thread approximately 0.5 meters or as long as you are comfortable using. Condition the thread with a thread conditioner and thread it onto a beading needle. About one5 cm from the end attach a bead stopper.

Each bead always has a seed bead either side of the crystal or pearl. So always add on bead "units" for example, one seed beads one crystal (or pearl) then one seed bead, every time you need to add on beads.

Thread on four small crystal units: one seed bead, one crystal, one seed bead, four times. Allow beads to fall down near your bead stopper.

Pass needle through the bottom of the first small crystal unit, then pull thread so beads form a circle, or a square.

Tie a small knot between the seed beads where your needle is now, and then continue to pass the needle through the next small crystal unit. The needle always comes out of the bottom crystal or pearl unit ready to add the next circle.

Add on one small crystal unit, one small pearl unit and one small crystal unit. PNT next small crystal unit (on the circle you have just added on) then through small pearl unit. Add on three small pearl units, units, then PNT existing small pearl unit on the previous circle, and then pull thread up. You will now have three adjoining circles. Add on three small crystal units and PNT small unit from previous circle.

Have a good day.

