
Make Swarovski Heart Jewelry

You can find a bigger variety of colors and sizes than you would at an average store. You might even be able to find a bigger variety online, but shipping and delivery time varies.

Choose glue specially made for rhinestones on fabric. Jerry Smith Beads suggests the use of fabric glues because the adhesive will be strong enough to hold the rhinestones on its surface; hot glues are too harsh on the crystal's backing.

Brainstorm ideas for how you want the heart-shaped crystals to look. For example, you can fill in the guide entirely with the crystals, or apply crystals along the inner edges of the guide to create a heart-shaped outline.
Browse the web for heart-shaped patterns then print the necessary size that you want. Copy the images and open them up in an image editing software to resize the pattern. Use the resize handles on the corners of the image to resize the shape.

Cut out the heart shape and use the sheet of paper as your stencil guide. Match the stencil guide against the surface that you will glue the crystals to. Stencil shapes too big might miss spots on the surface, so check to see if the stencil pattern is the right size.

Tape down the stencil onto the surface where you want to apply the crystals. This will keep the guide from moving out of place and distorting the heart shape as you apply the crystals.

Apply glue to the backing of the crystal and insert it directly within the stencil along the outer edges. Fill in the outer edges first, to create a heart-shaped outline. If you choose to fill the entire heart shape, then continue from the outside and work your way toward the center.

